Green Coffee

Green Coffee

I’ve wanted to make this macaron for years but have been a bit intimidated because: 1. I needed more confidence in myself in order to replicate this complex work inspired by Pierre Hermé – the world’s best pastry chef  & 2. Bourbon Pointu coffee beans found on the little island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean are effen expensive!

This macaron uses two varieties of coffee:

  1. The great folks over at Yup Coffee Roasters hooked us up with a green coffee from the Poço Fundo region of Brazil. Green Coffee has not been roasted and is fresh and vegetal with tasting notes of cocoa powder, almond, graham cracker & cherry which marries perfectly with
  2. Réunion Bourbon Pointu which is unique in many ways, notably because the coffee bushes are planted on land dedicated to pineapple & sugar cane. This results in sweet pineapple tasting notes that shine through.

Both coffees are each in their own ganache made with Valrhona Waina white chocolate, which has distinctive notes of farm fresh milk and Mapleline Farm heavy cream.

I know I say it all the time, but between perfecting my technique and nailing the flavors, this really might be my favorite.